FARECLA Composé liquide polissage de finition FIN Marine Profile


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Informations sur le produit

FARECLA Marine Profile Finish Liquid Compound is a very fine finishing compound designed to remove any light swirl marks and holograms from high quality painted lacquered and gel coat surfaces to leave the ultimate high gloss finish. It will not scratch and is particularly good on soft coatings which are susceptible to swirl marks.

Profile Finish is ideally applied using a Farécla G Mop Finishing Foam, which was engineered in tandem with the compound to provide optimum performance. For a higher cut, use with a G Mop Lambs Wool Pad. Available in 1 liter bottle and 3,8 liter Jerrycan.

Informations complètes sur le produit


SKU config_profile-finish-liquid
Fabricant Farecla
Contenu 1 liter & 3,8 liter
Emballage per stuk
Catégorie Polir un bateau

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