Wallpaper Steamers

Wallpaper Steamers

Changing your wallpaper can be something to look forward to. However, before you can hang a new design you have to get rid of the old paper. Wallpaper removal steamers eliminate the laborious process of moistening and scraping off old wallpaper!

Wallpaper Removal Steamer

Wallpaper steamers can do the job when other methods fail. They're especially effective on tough projects, such as wallpaper that's been wallpapered over or painted. To set up the wallpaper stripper simply fill the system with tap water. Once the heating element has warmed to the point of steaming, it can be applied to the wall. The steam penetrates through the wallpaper to the old adhesive underneath moistening it enough to loosen the paper from the wall. Wear protective goggles, gloves and a long-sleeved shirt. Try to keep the plate lower than your arm. Otherwise, hot water can drip from the plate and burn you. A wallpaper stripper makes light work of big wallpaper stripping jobs. In addition, because a wallpaper steamer only uses water it is extremely environmental friendly!

Wagner Wallpaper Stripper

Wagner W16 is a powerful steam wallpaper stripper which can remove all wallpaper types including multi-layered, painted and Artex(r) using steam. It is supplied with a large lightweight see through steam plate and additional smaller steam plate to access narrow difficult to reach places. It also includes a 4m long cool touch steam hose for flexibility and a large working range.

Earlex Wallpaper Stripper

Earlex wallpaper steamers are the fastest and easiest way to remove all types of wall coverings and Artex. These simple to use tools comes with a larger tank and as it only uses water to strip away wallpaper, it is environmentally friendly to use. It also has a cool-to-touch hose, overpressure safety valve, anti-discharge valve and an anti-suckback valve designed for your safety.

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