Hand Sanding Sheets

Hand Sanding

Hand sanding sheets are abrasive sheets designed specifically for hand sanding applications. Special tools and high-quality sandpaper produce great results with less effort. Sometimes, with a few hand sanding tools and the right sandpaper you can smooth wood better than with a power sander.

Choose the right grit for hand sandpaper

Sanding can be seen as scraping away material from the surface to remove imperfections or to shape and contour edges. Coarse sandpaper can remove the worst defects easily. However, using too coarse abrasives will cause extra sanding with a finer grit to remove deep scratches left by the coarse grit. In contrast, using too fine sandpaper will take forever to sand out defects. Futhermore, it is very important to find the best grit for your application.

  • P80 - good starting point for most applications
  • P100 - can be used if wood is already smooth with no visible scratches
    • Both 80 and 100 grit leave a network of fine scratches behind. Therefore, the next step is to sand with a finer grit.

Hand Sanding Tools

CROP offers an extensive range of tools for hand sanding. It's tempting to just fold a piece of sandpaper and go to work. But you'll get better results with far less effort if you use a sanding block. The block distributes sanding pressure more evenly and maintains a flatter surface. A block also lets you bear down harder. Including different kinds of sanding blocks, pads, and accessories to help you achieve the perfect sanding result. Our hand sanding solutions are easy to use and ergonomic.

  • File Boards
  • Hand Tool for Roses
  • Abrasive Hand Pads
  • Sanding Corks
  • Sanding Blocks
  • Abrasive sponges

No Clogging Sandpaper

When it comes to sanding painted surfaces, we recommend using clog resistant sandpaper. Paint and resinous wood like pine will clog most types of sandpaper quickly. To avoid using reams of sandpaper, look for sandpaper labeled as no clog or clog resistant sanding sheets.