Paint rollers

Paint rollers

Paint rollers are used while painting to roll paint or varnish. You have a paint roller for large and small painting jobs. Professional paint rollers allow you to roll lacquer or paint streak-free and tight. For that reason, a paint roller is used by professional painters, craftsmen and DIY'ers alike. At CROP you can buy all types of paint rollers in various widths and sizes.

Which paint roller to buy?

Do you want to buy a paint roller but don't know which one is best for your painting job? On you can order all types of paint rollers for paint, lacquer, stain and varnish in different sizes. From a narrow paint roller to a paint roller that is wide. Choose from the rollers below:

  • Wall paint roller
  • Paint roller
  • Anza paint roller
  • Anza paint roller
  • Friess paint roller

Wall paint roller

Wall paint roller works lint-free and is specially designed to roll paint on the wall. The roller for wall paint has a high absorption of paint allowing you to paint large areas. You can order a wall paint roller narrow and wide. There are wall paint rollers for smooth and rough surfaces.

Paint roller

Paint roller is made of the highest quality to roll paint streak-free. A lacquer roller can also be used to apply varnish and stain. The lacquer rollers have a very fine structure that allows the lacquer to be applied tightly.

Anza paint roller

Anza paint roller has been voted the best roller for paint. Anza paint rollers come in different types and widths. For example, Anza has a roller for paint, concrete paint, 2K floor coating and more. At CROP, you can buy all Anza paint rollers at an extra discount!

Bracket for paint roller

Are you going to use a paint roller for painting? Then you'll also need a bracket on which to place the paint roller. Paint roller brackets come in different lengths and widths. Depending on the width of your paint or lacquer roller, choose the desired bracket suitable for your painting job. With a short paint roller brace you have very good control over the painting job, with a long paint roller brace you can easily reach hard-to-reach places such as behind a radiator or heater.