GERMANIA Compressed Air Set - hobby, 5 pieces


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With the Germania 5-pieces compressed-air set you retrieves a compressed-air set in the house, with which different tasks can be performed. You inflate tires with it, you blow dust / sand off and you can get started with the hobby spray operations. You connect the spiral-hose only to the compressor, and you can get started with the compressed air set. Particularly well suited for private use.

The 5-piece set includes the following components:

  • Shortly blow gun / dust spray
  • Paint spray-gun (with top-cup and universal nozzle for a round, wide and flat beam)
  • Compressed air hose with couplings to 3 meters in length
  • Liquid spray with large nozzle (for example spraying tactile, oils, undercoating)
  • Tyre pump / tyre filler / tyre pressure gauge (with manometer 0 to 12 Bar)
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SKU 566147001
Brand GAV
Packaging per set
EAN 8011275024273

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