Can 2 component automotive paint be sprayed over 1 component car spray paint?

Can 2 component automotive paint be sprayed over 1 component car spray paint?

Subject: How to Create 04 January 2021

A frequently asked question is whether a 2-component automotive paint can be sprayed over a 1-component car spray paint. Read below to find out!

Yes, you definitely can!

You can put a 2K car spray paint over a 1K car paint. Furthermore, OEM car colours most commonly exist out of 1K and 2K automotive paint. You just need to make sure that you use car paint from the same brand. Otherwise, you might end up with a chemical reaction.

When does it cause a chemical reaction?

To minimize the chance of a reaction, you should apply 2K car paint in very thin coats and give it a chance to dry between coats. When you use different brands and qualities, it can cause the 2K paint to craze or crack. Light coats and strict adherence to flash off times for the ambient temperature are the key factors.

2K clear over 1K car spray paint

It’s just like spraying clear coat spray over a single-stage enamel paint. You can put a 2K clear coat over a single-stage base coat. 1K base coat doesn’t require a hardening agent, it just evaporates and dries. It might be useful to sand it a little bit when the paint is really dry.

Benefits 2K over 1K spray paint

  • Scratch resistant
  • Petrol resistant
  • Chemical resistant
  • UV resistant
  • Does not yellow
  • Provides a harder wearing coat

Disadvantages 2K over 1K car paint

  • One step extra
  • More costly
  • Slower drying time

2 component paint over 1K primer spray paint

This is something we see very often. Keep in mind that 1K paints are always slightly soft and 2K dries hard. Furthermore, if the softer 1K primer paint moves due to heat, it will cause the 2K topcoat to cause a reaction. A 1 component primer is often used as an adhesion promoter on plastic. 1K car primer is also often used on aluminum and stainless-steel surfaces. Once fully cured, it can be sprayed over with a 2K acryl automotive paint.


Are you convinced and do you want to get started with spraying 2K car paint? CROP stocks an extensive range of 2K car spray paints, 2K clear coats and 2K primer paints.

Still a doubt? Please contact our customer service

If you want to make sure that your paintwork will not cause a reaction, feel free to contact our customer service for further information. You don’t just make, you CREATE.