3M PPS Adapters for Paint Preparation System


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Specifically designed adapters, allows painters to use the PPS Paint Preparation System with virtually any spray gun. Adapter converts typical spray guns into ones that work with the 3M Paint Preparation System (PPS). This stainless steel adapter offers exceptional durability.

Available adapters:

  • Nr. 2 for Sata NR92 HVLP u. SATAjet B NR 95 HVLP, Iwata W400, Eurogun HVLP gold, Protek 4000/4500/2600/2650
  • Nr. 3 for DeVilbiss GTI, GTI pro, PRI, PRI pro, GFP, GFV
  • Nr. 4 for DeVilbiss Finishline
  • Nr. 5 for Sata MC93, Sagola 406G, 4100 G, 433G, 434G, 444G, 450G
  • Nr. 6 for AirGunsa AZ3, Iwata W300, Walther Pilot
  • Nr. 7 for Accuspray Issac
  • Nr. 8 for Airgunsa AZ4 Serial 75 Walcom, Geo F/X 9
  • Nr. 9 for Sata KLC serie, MCB serie, SATAjet 2000 RP & HVLP without QCC connection, SATAjet® 90/S
  • Nr. 10 for Iwata W-88
  • Nr. 11 for Sharpe Cobalt HVLP, Platignum HVLP, SGF98
  • Nr. 12 for SATAminijet 3 (without QCC)
  • Nr. 13 for Optima
  • Nr. 14 for DeVilbiss Sri or Sri pro
  • Nr. 21 for Eurogun mini HVLP, Protek 2500/2550
  • Nr. 31 for Iwata LPH 80
  • Nr. 40 for SATAjet® 100BF / 1000 / 2000 / 3000 / 4000 / 5000 RP / HVLP / Digital + Sata minijet 4400
  • Nr. 41 for SATAminijet 4 oder SATAminijet 3000 (with QCC)
  • Nr. 43 for Iwata Supernova WS400
Full product information


SKU conf_3m-pps-adapter
Brand 3M
Packaging per stuk
Category 3M PPS Spray Cup System

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delivered perfectly according to the information
i would recommend it to anyone
etienne van loo |
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